Social Media Club Detroit had the honor of having Dave Linabury give his take on the current state of the social web and up and coming trends. Dave is Executive Vice President, Director of Social Media at Campbell-Ewald in Detroit (connect with him on Twitter). Here are my notes from his awesome presentation last night:
- Biggest trend for 2011 is the blurring of offline and online.
- To blow your mind read “Age of Spiritual Machines” by Raymond Kurzweil.
- In the coming years their will be exponential growth of exponential growth in technology. Throw Moore’s law out the window!
- You can no longer assign any type of technology to a 5 year plan because current technology probably won’t be around then.
- The age of data fetishism is ending. We’re going back to storytelling.
- Infographics are big because people can actually digest them and will actually read them.
- Email is losing importance under age 54, but still widely used (just not as important). Interestingly, direct mail still has impact for ages 12-17 because they never get any snail mail.
- Is Geospatial helpful or hellish? Think about implications and impact for specific clients. Can be harmful for CEOs or celebrities.
- More bandwidth = more video.
- QR codes and scannable walls are changing our concept of how we access the web and blurring offline and online. If you add .qr to links at the end, it will create a QR code.
- Microsoft Surface is now standard in many hotels, restaurants and casinos.
- Check out Six Sense Technology presentation from TED.
- Microsoft Skinput treats the skin as an interface.
- LED T-shirts and digital fashion are changing the concept of clothes.
- RFID wearables. Smaller ways to connect to technology instead of all encompassing technology (like Microsoft Smarthouse). Little programs and devices are easy for people to use and program/customize.
- IPv6. If every object in the world has an address, will theft decline or adapt?
- Smart frames and wallets help people grasp abstract ideas like virtual money with tangible feedback.
- Twitter meets Zip cars. Can send a message to the next person if you’re held up in traffic. (Obvious possible issue with abuse)
- Social Tableau (check out!) is a Twitter enabled table which takes pictures from digital to tangible and messages from tangible to digital. The technology is invisible.
- Real vs. transactional measurement. Numbers game (how many friends or “likes”) vs. human interaction and engagement with brands.
- Content strategy… should everyone be on Facebook?
- Social media is not the tools. It’s connecting people and how it impacts and helps them.
- Social is going to be everywhere. Start thinking about objects and other ways to help people connect to each other.
- Huge need for noise filtering and content curation.