B2B marketing, whether online or off, is all about relationships. With longer sales cycles, and often, larger purchase amounts, it’s the relationship that a customer has with a business that really determines whether or not they’ll make the sale. This also means that how the customer thinks and feels about the B2B company is vital to understand, throughout the relationship — especially in customer service after the purchase. eMagine has a good article on B2B online marketing tactics for 2014: The B2B Online Marketing Quick Checklist for 2014, and while they mention Facebook and LinkedIn, I think that social media marketing has to be one of the top tactics for any B2B company in 2014 — and that means finding the social networks that make sense for your particular business (which may mean publication or association social networks or even creating your own). Also vital to the success of any social media marketing efforts are being able to track customers throughout the sales cycle — which means a CRM that can be tied to social networks and campaigns and can find customers who are on social networks to know what they’re saying.
Connecting Content to Your Audience
We all want our target audience to consume the content we create — why else would we create it? People consume content that resonates with their needs and wants. They like companies that provide solutions to their problems. Creating content that’s more than boilerplate how-to’s can be difficult. Duct Tape Marketing has some tips on how to create content that connects with your target audience…
Clients enjoy original content because they find it useful, informative, and entertaining. They should also feel that it is being written by people that understand them. Of course there are many facets to any individual, but, as English poet John Donne succinctly put it, “no man [or woman] is an island.” Look for the common bonds between a business and its clients that go beyond services rendered. Here the type of valuable relationships that benefit both parties are formed. — 3 Tips for Creating a Strong Connection between Audience and Content by Steve Giangola
Consumer Social Sharing
The hope and dream of all content creators is that their content will be shared so that it can be seen by more people. How, when and why people share content is extremely important to marketers because it will help form not only where you post your content, but also when and what content you post. Jason Falls over at Social Media Explorer has a nice analysis of ShareThis’ quarterly report on how content has been shared across the web….
Unfortunately, clear understanding of share metrics is hard to come by. Installing share buttons on your website provided by the social networks don’t often provide analytics to go along with them. Your website analytics only go so far. So we have to rely on sharing tool companies and their aggregated data to understand this critical component to our communications efforts. — Understanding Consumer Sharing by Jason Falls