The Age of the Platform: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Have Redefined BusinessI’ve been reading The Age of the Platform: How Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google Have Redefined Business (affiliate link), which is about how “the Gang of Four”, Apple, Amazon, Facebook & Google, have successfully built platforms which allow them to leverage new products and technologies in ways not previously possible. When we look at an amazing successful product, say Apple’s iphone, we recognize it’s sleek and intuitive design, but it’s also the platform of the App Store which has allowed Apple to provide more applications than they could develop, while profiting from the increased value that having those applications provides. In his book, Phil Simon, discusses each of the four companies, and also talks about ways to build platforms to help your company succeed. Here’s an excerpt from the Introduction of the book: [Read more…] about Excerpt from Phil Simon’s The Age of the Platform
Book Review: Startup from the Ground Up: Practical Insights for Entrepreneurs by Cynthia Kocialski
It seems like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur these days — founding the next big technology startup which makes the big time. And there’s a plethora of books and resources which try to lay out all the steps so that anyone can follow them to fame and fortune. But the reality is that every business is different, not only in their products and industry, but also in the team of employees and the vision of how the company should be run. Cynthia Kocialski has been involved in more than 24 startups over the past 15 years, all of which have been acquired for almost $20 billion. In her book, Startup from the Ground Up: Practical Insights for Transforming an Idea into a Business
, Cynthia fully realizes that there isn’t some golden set of rules that anyone can follow to be successful, but she does provide tips and information that can be used by any business to help develop their own path. [Read more…] about Book Review: Startup from the Ground Up: Practical Insights for Entrepreneurs by Cynthia Kocialski
Book Review: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain by Ryan Blair
Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain by Ryan Blair
is the story and business insights of a self-made serial entrepreneur, who went from being a gang member as a kid (including serving time in juvenile prison) to making millions in his early 20’s. Sounds intriguing. The book is billed as not only inspirational, but also a guide with a road map to help others become successful entrepreneurs. When I was asked to review the book, I agreed thinking it would be a good story if nothing else. [Read more…] about Book Review: Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain by Ryan Blair