Its strange. Every so often we are irresistibly drawn back to the subject on online Video in business. Sarah had an earlier post about Qik, and I’ve written about YouTube and CacheFly and LimeLight as video distribution networks. Somehow, video keeps capturing our imagination with its seductively simple business potential.
I was asked last week to look into what was avalible in Live Video Streaming. A company wanted to capture show-floor interviews and happenings at conventions and needed to know if it was technically feisable on a insubstantial budget. As it turns out, the space has simply exploded with options since I last looked. Good time to do a review series wrapup on Video Streaming.
Ill start next week with a look at Stickam, followed up with a competitor Ustream then hopfully wrap up the review with some tips on how to integrate streaming video into your online business community. We may even try a bit of video ourselves, who knows.