Following the B2C world, video is now the hot content in the B2B world. With the popularity of YouTube, iTunes and watching tv over the web, B2B audiences are ready to watch video on your website. Take the opportunity to show how your products, services or processes can help your customers. Post regular video updates on your website about what your company is doing instead of just written press releases. Post these same videos on B2B industry sites with links to your own website to entice your customers (remember to use a unique landing page with a call-to-action).
Video does not have to be high quality on the web. Using just a home video camera and some inexpensive or free video editing software, you can create short videos of interest to your customers. If you have a Mac, try out iMovie which comes with the computer (if you purchased it in the past couple of years) or QuickTime Pro, which runs about $30 (and also runs on Windows). For Windows users, take a look at Windows Movie Maker which comes on most new computers, Ulead (about $60), or Adobe Premiere Elements ($100).