When you attend business networking events or conferences, you always bring plenty of business cards to hand out, right? Well, what about your online business card? Searching for a company’s website or the name of a person is a very common part of the purchase process. What does your website say about you?
Easy to Understand
When someone visits your website can they easily understand what it is you do and why they might want to choose you? Speak in terms of benefits to the customer, not in terms of features or services. You want potential customers to not only understand exactly how you can help, but why you’re different than your competitors.
Answer Questions
Oftentimes when someone is searching for a service provider or for a product, they have a problem they need solved. There are specific questions they want to answer regarding their problem. If your website is able to answer those questions, you’ll go a long way to proving your worth. Not sure what questions to answer? These are usually the ones that people ask you in-person, on the phone or over emails.
The Proof is in the Pudding
Can you prove everything you claim? If not, either figure out how you can, or make claims that you can backup. Customer testimonials and reviews help, as do case studies with specific results that solve a specific problem.
Clear Next Steps
If someone is ready to take the next step towards buying from you, what should they do? What is the next step specifically? Spelling out a clear call to action helps direct potential customers to the next step in the process. Don’t assume that they’ll figure it out, and don’t bury your contact information only on your contact page (assuming they can or want to find it). Make it as easy as possible for someone to contact you.
Not Just a Homepage
Visitors enter your site from many different pages — not just your homepage. If someone enters on an internal page, can they tell what you do? Are you answering the question they came to your site for? Do you offer proof? Is the next step clear? Every page on your site should almost act on it’s own, but be specific to the topic at hand.
Got any sites that are great examples?