Yesterday we discussed some issues you should consider when deciding whether or not to twitter for your business. Once you’ve decided to go forward, here’s how to get started:
Choose a Name
You’ll need a twitter name so that people can find you. Usually businesses choose a name related to their company name or a particular brand. If your name isn’t available, contact twitter. According to their TOS, companies can gain control of names they own.
A little about you….
The bio and website information will give people an idea of what you do and why they might want to follow your updates. These are especially important when people are searching for people to follow by keyword.
Publish your tweets
Setup your twitter feed on your blog and website, add your twitter address to your emails and other correspondence. Twitter is a great way to quickly add snippits of information to your websites and keep in touch with your customers.
Welcome tweet
Even without any followers, make sure you at least have a welcome tweet. People won’t follow you don’t have any tweets.
Find people to follow
You can use the twitter search to see if your customers already are on twitter, or find people to follow on blogs you read. Many people will also follow you back when you follow them.
Listen & Respond
Listen to what’s being said and monitor twitter for mentions of your company and brands. Politely respond to any concerns people have and to any questions you can be helpful with.
Be Relevant
Share relevant information with your customers via twitter. Links to articles or posts of interest can be twittered. Retweeting information others find can be a great way to connect too.
Keep Tweeting
You probably won’t find a twitter audience overnight, so keep sharing relevant information and use Twitter as another tool to connect with your customers.
Don’t Spam
While you need to keep providing good content, don’t overdo it. Tweets should only be every so often else they get really annoying. How often you can tweet depends on the tolerance of your audience, so it’ll take a bit of trial and error. A few tweets per day should be safe.
Be Patient
It takes time to realize the benefits of Twitter. Keep at it, keep listening and stay in the conversation.
What Twitter tips do you have? Please share in the comments.
(photo by Lin Pernille Photography @ Flickr CC)
Technorati Tags: twitter, social networks, social media, internet marketing, internet consulting, internet business strategy