Topsy is a real-time search engine for the web that also provides nice information about what’s trending in real-time. A hidden gem is their Social Analytics which allows you to compare up to 3 different queries over time (in graphical format) for mentions. Topsy only includes mentions that are what they call “significant and valid,” meaning they take out bots and only include posts that have a link or have been passed on. Topsy’s Social Analytics will definitely be on my regular list of tools. Here’s a closer look…
Compare Social Mention Trends
Topsy allows you to search and compare up to 3 queries, which can include keywords, domains and Twitter usernames.
These queries can be compared over the last day, week, 2 weeks or month in a nice graphical format which allows you to easily see how the keywords performed against each other.
Social Mention Metrics
Topsy also provides information on the top links in the past 24 hours with metrics on influence, momentum, velocity and peak (which would be more useful if they told you what the top numbers were instead of just higher is better). This chart can also be downloaded in csv format.
Advanced Search Operators
Searches can be highly tailored by using Topsy’s search operators to return exactly the results that you want.
In My Opinion…
Topsy’s social analytics are definitely helpful when you’re trying to see how effective your social media strategy is (especially if you look at the data over the past month). It would be nice if the metrics (influence, velocity, momentum and peak) were more clearly defined. If this trending information was provided over a longer period of time (several months, 6 months, year, etc.) for a reasonable price, it would definitely be something I’d consider paying for.
Have you used Topsy’s social analytics? What do you think?