An important part of any strategy is measurement — so you know what’s working and what’s not and where to improve. Using Twitter to have conversations and provide useful information to your intended audience can be a valuable part of your online strategy. But how do you know what your audience likes or dislikes? Taking a look at your Twitter stats using HootSuite can give you some good insight to improve your tweets.
Daily Clicks
The daily clicks report gives you an idea of the total clicks your tweets got per day. The default is the last 7 days, but you can easily change it to any date range you’d like. Taking a look at the daily information will give you an idea of what days your tweets may be more popular than others with your audience. The longer the date range, the more you can see whether certain days are better than others for announcing important promotions or information. This report will also help you identify if a specific day got more response than others, which can help you track down a specific tweet or event.
Clicks By Region & Top Referrers
Now you can see what parts of the world give you the most clicks. You may be surprised to see an audience you hadn’t expected, which can lead to a nice expansion into an international market.
Top Referrers will show you what sites sent your links the most traffic. This can be especially useful if you use HootSuite to send a message to multiple social networks (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) to see where your messages are the most effective.
Most Popular Tweets
Now we get into the really valuable information — what specific tweets got the most clicks from your audience. By taking a look at this information, you can get an idea of what topics and subjects really resonate with your audience. You can also vary your phrasing to see if certain word patterns are more effective than others.
Individual Message Stats
HootSuite also gives you information on individual messages, which gives you an opportunity to dive a little deeper into popular (or unpopular) messages to see what makes them tick. You can see not only how many clicks a message got, but also by day, to give you an idea of how people are reading your stream. Do they only look at tweets immediately or do they go back through what you’ve said?
How about you?
Do you use any statistics to help improve your Tweets? What do you use and how?
(photo by merec0)